Post No. 40. Quantum Computers. COVID-19 or Coronavirus is growing in an exponential way, but we don’t have to be scare with this term. It helps to track the speed of a disease and provide important information to provide assistance to vulnerable locations and patients. We need to identify the real enemy that is the time to find a cure. Everyday people around the globe ask for a vaccine. This is not an easy task and will take years to find one. The human body needs to be exposed to a vaccine and the immune system should develop a strong memory of the pathogen. It is necessary to weaken the pathogen and it is done by growing several generations of pathogens in environments other than human cells. Mutant strains of pathogens should be selected. (Dr. Roohi Bansal, Biotechnologist and PHD in Molecular Biology) Critical trials (research studies performed in people that are aimed at evaluating a medical, surgical, or behavioral intervention. NIH) are necessary but this process c...