Post No. 19. Dolphins
Dolphins are a widely distributed and diverse group of aquatic mammals. They are an informal grouping within the order cetacean, excluding whales and porpoises, so to the zoologists the grouping is paraphyletic. The dolphins comprise the extant families Delphinidae ( the oceanic dolphins), Platanistidae ( the Indian river dolphins), Iniidae ( the new world river dolphins), and POntoporiidae (the brackish dolphins), and the extinct Lipotidae ( baiji or Chinese river dolphin). There are 40 extant species of dolphins. Dolphins, alongside other cetaceans, belong to the class Cetartiodactyla with even-toed ungulates. Cetaceans’ closest living relatives are the hippotamuses, having diverged about 40 million years ago.

Dolphins range in size from the 1.7 m (5.6 ft) long and 50 kg (110 lb) Maui’s dolphin to the 9.5 m (31 ft) and 10 t (11 short tons) killer whale. Several species exhibit sexual dimorphism, in that the males are larger than females.

Although dolphins are widespread, most species prefer the warmer waters of the tropic zones, but some like the right whale dolphin, prefer colder climates. Dolphins feed largely on fish and squid, but a few like the killer whale, feed on large mammals like seals.

Dolphins are known to teach, learn, cooperate, scheme, and grieve. The neocortex of many species is home to elongated spindle neurons that, prior to 2007, were known only in hominids. In humans, these cells are involved in social conduct, emotions, judgment, and theory of mind. Cetacean spindle neurons are found in areas of the brain that are homologous to where they are found in humans, suggesting that they perform a similar function.

Captives have vastly reduced life expectancies, on average only living into their 20s, although there are examples of killer whales living longer, including several over 30 years old, and two captive orcas. While males who survive infancy live 31 years on average, and up to 50+-60 years.

A study at the U.S. National Marine Mammal Foundation revealed that dolphins, like humans, develop a natural form of type 2 diabetes which may lead to a better understanding of the disease and new treatments for both humans and dolphins.

In Greek myths, dolphins were seen invariably as helpers of humankind. The Ancient Greeks welcomed dolphins; spotting dolphins riding in a ship’s wake was considered a good omen. In both ancient and later art, Cupid often shown riding a dolphin. A dolphin rescued the poet Arion from drowning and carried him safe to land at Cape Matapan, a promontory forming the southernmost point of the Peloponnesus. There was a temple to Poseidon and a statue of Arion riding the dolphin.

Dolphins are sometimes hunted in places like Japan; in an activity known as dolphin drive hunting. Organizations such as World Animal Protection and the Whale and Dolphin Conservation Society campaign against the practice of keeping them in captivity.

Although dolphins generally interact well with humans, some attacks have occurred, most of them resulting in small injuries. Orcas, the largest species of dolphin, have been involved in fatal attacks on humans in captivity.

Several scientists who have researched dolphin behaviour have proposed that dolphins’ unusually high intelligence in comparison to other animals means that dolphins should be seen as non-human persons who should have their own specific rights and that it is morally unacceptable to keep them captive for entertainment purposes or to kill them either intentionally for consumption or unintentionally as by-catch. Four countries: Chile, Costa Rica, Hungary, and India, have declared dolphins to be “non human persons” and have banned the capture and import of live dolphins for entertainment.

In some parts of the world, such as Taiji, Japan and the Faroe Islands, dolphins are traditionally considered as food, and are killed in harpoon or drive hunts. Dolphin meat is consumed in a small number of countries worldwide, which include Japan and Peru (where it is referred to as chancho marino, or “sea pork”). While Japan may be the best-known controversial example, only a very small minority of the population has ever sampled it.

Dolphin meat is dense and such a dark shade of red as to appear black. Fat is located in a layer of blubber between the meat and the skin. When dolphin meat is eaten in Japan, it is often cut into thin strips and eaten raw as sashimi, garnished with onion and either horseradish or grated garlic, mush as with sashimi of whale or horse meat (basahi). When cooked, dolphin meat is cut into bite-size cubes and then batter-fried or simmered in a miso sauce with vegetables. Cooked dolphin meat has a flavor very similar to beef liver.

There have been human health concerns associated with the consumption of dolphin meat in Japan after tests showed that dolphin meat contained high levels of mercury. There are no known cases of mercury poisoning as a result of consuming dolphin meat, though the government continues to monitor people in areas where dolphin meat consumption is high. The Japanese government recommends that children and pregnant women avoid eating dolphin meat on a regular basis. Similar concerns exist with the consumption of dolphin meat in the Faroe Islands, where prenatal exposure to methylmercury and PCBs primarily from the consumption of pilot whale meat has resulted in neuropsychological deficits amongst children. (Wikipedia)

Richard “Ric” O’Barry is an American activist and founder of the Dolphin Project. His purpose is to educate the public about captivity and if possible to free captive dolphins.

Ocean Stories 3- Dolphins and Whales. Time: 48:30:

Dolphins Even Smarter Than You Thought I Nat Geo Live. Time: 16:51:

Could we speak the language of dolphins I Denise Herzing. Time: 14:38:

Denise Herzing: “ Dolphin Communication: Cracking the Code” I Tals at Google. Time: 54:40:

The Complete 2017 SeaWorld “Bllue Horizons” Dolphin Show. Time: 23:34:

Dolphin Hero/ Academy Awared Winner Ric O’Barry: An Urgent Must Listen! The Carol Rosin Show 5-19-17. Time: 1:48:12:

Terrified Dolphin Throws Himself At Ric O’Barry’s Feet to Escape Hunters. Time: 6:11:

The dolphin hunt in Taiji continues. Time: 4:26:

Pilot whale slaughter: Annual hunt sees 160 dolphins butchered in the Faroe Islands-TomNews. Very Graphic. Time: 5:07:

The Best Relax Music and Dolphin Aquarium – Sleep Relaxing Music. 2 Hours- HD 1080p. Time: 1:59:59:


  1. This is a personal photo. It was taken during my last visit to the Seaquarium located in Miami, Florida, about three years ago.


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