Post No. 38. Albert Einstein and the Civil Rights in America In 1946, Albert Einstein, the Nobel Prize-winning physicist traveled to Lincoln University in Pennsylvania the first school in America to grand college degrees to black Americans. He received an honorary degree and gave a lecture on relativity to the Lincoln students. This visit was ignored by the mainstream press. According to the authors Fred Jerome and Rodger Taylor, authors of “Einstein on Race and Racism” these omissions need to be recognized and corrected. Einstein was Jewish and was victim of racism, threats and harassment while working at the University of Berlin during the Nazi Germany. He found similarities between American segregation and the treatment of Jews in Germany. In January 1946, Einstein offered public encouragement to the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) and its founder. W.E.B. Du Bois. In 1951, when the federal government indicted the 83-year-old ...